
Dream Wedding & Honeymoon at Mauritius Island

Mauritius Wedding & Honeymoon
There is no other moment in a couple's life that is sweeter and memorable than the wedding.
Of course, it will be followed by a very romantic honeymoon afterwards.
It takes a lot of preparation to make these two occasions perfect.
These are the moments that can be called "once in a lifetime".
Mauritius is considered by many travel magazines to be one of the three top destinations when it comes to wedding and honeymoon.
However, the price to pay can be very expensive, especially if you wish to have a very grand celebration.
However, that would not stop many couples from spending their most cherished moment in the paradisiacal place such as Mauritius.
Due to this, many hotels are now catering for Mauritius wedding and honeymoon packages at a cheaper price.
There are also hotels that will create a custom-made matrimonial ceremony to those travelers who have a limited amount of budget for their wedding.
Due to the diversity in tourism that Mauritius offers to its visitors, you can also choose the place where you can get married.
Aside from the hotel where you are staying in, you may also tie the knot with your special someone on a yacht.
This is very common to the couples who wish to be intimate and invites only a few guests or no guest at all.
Aside from the yacht, there are also couples exchanging rings for the wedding while diving under the clear waters of Mauritius.
You can spend your honeymoon at a hotel having the wonderful beach view as the backdrop or in an intimate area in the island where there are no other people just you both.
This includes an application form to be completed by the groom and bride to be if you are not a local resident of the island.
Your passports are also essential as well as passport-sized photos of the couples.
Your hotel will surely welcome you in honeymoon with glasses of champagne as they congratulate you.
There are also some hotels including photographers that would take pictures of your wedding and romantic moments during the honeymoon.


Mauritius Weather, What to Expect?

Mauritius Weather

The weather in Mauritius is perfect for holidays. All the year around the climate is enjoyable. You can choose your vacation at any time of the year you will be sure to always spend great holidays. On the coastal areas, mainly the west side of the island there is not so much variation in the temperature. The disadvantage in Mauritius is that the weather may change very quickly from sunny to rainy. If you are staying on the coastal regions as Flic en Flac the weather may get rainy but not for long.

The warmest months of the year are January and February. The only problem during the warm months is that a cyclone can occur. The weather during cyclones period are not so nice of course. During a tropical cyclone there can be very strong winds, very high waves in the sea and it bring lot of rain too. A tropical storm has different names depending of the regions the storm is located and also of its strength. In the area of Mauritius it is known mostly as tropical cyclone or tropical storm. In other region s it may be called a typhoon, a hurricane, a tropical depression or a cyclonic storm. There is in Mauritius a warning system for the weather during a tropical cyclone for the inhabitants; it goes from Class 1 to Class 4.

The Class 1 warning is usually given between thirty six and forty eight hours before the cyclonic condition, at this time you would not even feel that there is a cyclone approaching the island.

The Class 2 is given when possible twelve hours before gusts of one hundred and twenty km/hr occurs, usually the inhabitants of the island should at this time buy some important things for the house as candles as there can be electricity cuts and some food and consolidate their homes against a may be coming cyclone. Those whose shelters are not solid enough during a cyclone can have a place to stay in public area as schools.

The warning of the Class 3 is given as far as possible six hours before gusts of one hundred and twenty km/hr occurs. Usually it is raining and very windy already and it is better not to adventure at the sea at this particular time.

The Class 4 is when there are gusts as from one hundred and twenty km/hr and over. During this period it is usually advised to stay at home and wait for next bulletin because it can be quite dangerous to adventure outside.

Mauritius Summer is from November to April and winter is from May to October. Both seasons have usually nice weather only summer, the weather may be high in humidity. The weather in winter is cooler and nicer for older tourist who can’t support the warmer temperatures.

Usually the weather of the island has no extreme difference in the temperature. The colder region if it can be said cold is the central plateau. The central plateau is also the region of Mauritius which receives lot of rainfalls. It is around four hundred meters above sea level.

The temperature of water during summer is usually around 27°C in winter it can be up to 22°C. During the summer season the climate is usually dry and warm; the temperature on the coastal areas can be from 25°C to 35°C. On the central plateau the temperature is most of the time cooler as from 20°C to 28°C. It is very strange the island is very small but you can feel a real difference of temperature between the coastal areas and the central plateau.

In winter season the weather is most of the time humid and warm, the temperature in the coastal areas is around 24°C and the central plateau around 18°C but during the night the temperature goes sometimes a few degrees down. Of course, it is never as cold as in Europe. So just, come and enjoy the tropical weather of Mauritius Island. As tip for visitors who would like eco-tourism, to explore the island, make walk and tours the best months are September, October and mid-November.

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